The Legacy of the Prophet (Part 3) – Safeguarding Allah’s Commands

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

In Part 2 (Safeguarding Allah) we explained what Safeguarding Allah means and mentioned safeguarding the commands of Allah. In this part we will give a brief of those commands and how by safeguarding them you can come under the purview of the words of the Hadith – “Safeguard Allah and He will safeguard you”

Safeguarding the Prayers

One of the greatest of matters that require safeguarding is the five daily prayers. Allah, the Most High, says,

“Safeguard the prayers – especially the middle one.”

 al-Baqarah (2): 238

” … those who safeguard their prayer.”

al-Ma’arij (70): 34 

The Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ”Whoever safeguards them has a promise from Allah that He will grant him entry into Paradise.” (Abu Dawidi #425, Albani,Sahih al-Targhib #370)

Another Hadith has, ”Whoever safeguards them, they will be a light, a proof and a deliverance for him on the Day of Rising.” ( Ahmad #6576, ibn Hibban #1467)

Safeguarding Purification

The same applies to purification for it is the key to prayer. The Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, “None safeguards the ablution save a believer.” (ibn Majah #277)

This is because a servant could well invalidate his state of purification without even being aware of it, therefore safeguarding the state of ablution for prayer is a proof that faith has settled firmly in the heart.

Safeguarding Oaths

Amongst the things that Alahl has commanded to safeguard is oaths. When He mentioned the expiation of breaking oaths, He said,

“That is the expiation for breaking oaths when you have sworn them. Keep your oaths.”

al-Ma’idah (5): 89

People frequently make oaths and the consequences of breaching them vary: sometimes it will be the expiation for breaking oaths, other times a severe expiation is required (kaffarah mughallaza), and at other times it requires divorce or the likes to take effect. Faith has entered the heart of a person who takes care of his oaths.

The Salaf would carefully safeguard their oaths. Some of them would never take an oath by Allah, others would be so guarded that they would give expiation for oaths they thought they may have broken. Imam Ahmad, on his death bed, enjoined that the expiation for breaking an oath be given saying, ‘I think I might have broken an oath that I made.’

Yazid ibn Abi Habib said, ‘It has reached me that, amongst the Carriers of the Throne, there is one whose eyes shed tears that flow like rivers. Then when he raises his head, he says, “Glory be to You, You are not feared as befits You.” Allah says, ”Yet those who make oaths in My name falsely do not know this!”‘

A severe threat has been recorded concerning taking false oaths. Frequent oaths in the name of Allah, or false oaths in His name, arise from ignorance of Allah and lack of reverence in the heart.

And Hence we know the commands of Allah that need to be safeguarded in order for us to come under the umbrella of Allah Safeguarding Us. In the next part we will cover Safeguarding the limits of Allah before we go on and explain How Allah safeguards those who safeguard Him. In Sha Allah

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